- Epsilon Informatics
Epsilon Informatics offers a complete portable invoicing system, provided with a special industrially-constructed suitcase which can be transferred on a car, Epsilon-Ex Van.

Industrially-Constructed Suitcase
The Epsilon-Ex Van solution includes
- Special impact printer with the capability of term voucher duplication
- Tablet 10"
- Wireless Bluetooth kit for printing term vouchers without cable for printer connection
- Power supply with capability to work both on 12V and 24V without any change to the vehicle or the suitcase. Integrated cables for tablet charging.
- Fuse attached on suitcase for security
- Special software for portable invoicing system with touch interface and capability to print all the term vouchers ( retail receipt, invoice, non-invoiced supplies term voucher )
- Connector for connecting the software to the most important commercial-accounting software
- High capability to adjust to any user, vehicle, branch office etc.